
Sweet corn - low yield and deformed ears #805235

Asked August 08, 2022, 1:48 PM EDT

Hi - I tried a new variety of sweet corn this year that I’ve never tried before - Burpee Bi-licious variety. I planted in a raised bed, fertile at beginning and middle of season and watered every two days during the drought. Based on the number of seeds I planted, I should have yielded around 8 dozen ears. I only got three dozen and most of the ears were stunted or had deformed and missing kernels. When the plants emerged early summer, I could tell there was going to be an issue as the plants varied in height a great deal. Some were 2 feet tall and some were only 6-12 inches. I would appreciate your opinion on what the issue was, whether it’s bad seeds or something I did during the growing season. I have never seen this before. I have attached several photos for your review. Thanks! Dan Soderlund

Le Sueur County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thank you for writing.
Some of this has to do with pollinator failure.
Pollinators do not like heat and (drought or high humidity)
You might have done better watering at night when pollinators are not active, I do not know.  I do know that many people had a hard time this year. 
As you can see here, even the professional growers are struggling this year with poor silking and other problems.
I only watered the corn at the base - all watered by hand. The stalks were in close contact, so should have been decent wind dispersion of the pollen. As said, the plants were not consistent in size, so my thought was it’s either the seeds or fertilizer. I read the article on poor pollination - I certainly think that played a role.


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On Monday, August 8, 2022, 12:56 PM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied August 08, 2022, 2:11 PM EDT
Thanks for writing back. 
The ears of Burpee bi-licious runs up to 8 inches long,
The weather effects on stunting occurs early in the season, and can  not be reversed later.
I would guess that your plants hit V5 right at the point of maximal heat stress. 
I'll have to give that some thought - it got very hot during that phase, but not so much in the first 20-30 days of growth. Since we have such a limited window of opportunity, I want to make sure the corn seeds are not a contributor. I am looking for a tender kernel with a slight crispiness - I have had some bi-color corn (like what is served at the state fair) in which the outer part of the kernel is thicker. I wonder if you have any variety suggestions that you have had good luck with.


Dan S.

On Monday, August 8, 2022 at 01:41:31 PM CDT, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied August 08, 2022, 3:45 PM EDT
I can't help you with that.  I buy off a stand and do not grow my own.  This however might be useful.

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