Maple tree leaf damage - Ask Extension
Can you tell me what is causing the circular holes on the leaves of a maple tree sapling I put in my yard? Is there anything I should do about it? Tha...
Maple tree leaf damage #804024
Asked August 01, 2022, 12:30 PM EDT
Can you tell me what is causing the circular holes on the leaves of a maple tree sapling I put in my yard? Is there anything I should do about it? Thank you very much!
Prince George's County Maryland
Expert Response
Thank you for your question and photos. The holes that you're seeing on your maple sapling leaves are typical of those made by leaf-cutter bees. These valuable native pollinators play an important role in our ecosystem and are nonaggressive toward humans (they'll only sting if handled, and even then, their sting is very mild). Any damage they do to plants is typically minimal and would not harm your tree, so there is nothing you need to do. Here is a link with more information about leaf-cutter bees.
I hope this is helpful.
~ Karin
I hope this is helpful.
~ Karin
Thank you very much for your prompt and helpful response.
You're very welcome!