
Tree of Heaven volunteer control #803878

Asked July 31, 2022, 1:56 PM EDT

Hey I had a very large Tree of Heaven cut down in my yard in February of 2022. The tree removal service recommended using Tordon on the stump. I applied it to the stump after removal and it killed the stump. However the roots that remained are possibly sprouting tons of them in my backyard. I removed them by hand once and some were root suckers and others were from seeds. Is there a way to control/kill them off. I also have an elderly neighbor who cannot maintain her backyard which has many of them growing. Would those needed to be controlled to control my problem as well. Thank you.

Ingham County Michigan

Expert Response

Tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima) is an invasive tree and noxious weed in MI.

Established trees continually spread by sending up root suckers that may emerge as far as 50 feet from the parent tree. A cut or injured tree-of-heaven may send up dozens of stump and root sprouts. Sprouts as young as two years are capable of producing seed. Tree-of-heaven produces allelopathic chemicals in its leaves, roots, and bark that can limit or prevent the establishment of other plants. If you download the link below you will find a wealth of information on this invasive tree. Below are some excerpts from that document which address control measures.

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Due to its extensive root system and re-sprouting ability,
tree-of-heaven is difficult to control. Treatment timing and following
up the second year are critical to success. Mechanical methods, such as
cutting or mowing, are ineffective, as the tree responds by producing
large numbers of stump sprouts and root suckers. When cutting
tree-of-heaven is necessary to remove potentially hazardous trees, it is
best to treat with an herbicide first, wait for symptoms to develop
(approximately 30 days), and then cut.

Hand pulling young seedlings is effective when the soil is moist and the entire root system is removed. Small root fragments are capable of generating new shoots. Seedlings can be easily confused with root suckers, which are nearly impossible to pull by hand.

As you will see from the extensive information in the referenced link, control is a complex issue. You may wish to consult a tree service to help you eradicate the root sprouts. They would have a licensed herbicide applicator on staff. We always try to warn people of this invasive tree, but many don't take steps to eradicate it until it's too late. Below is another source of information regarding control of tree of heaven:

If you opt to consult a certified arborist, you can find one here:

Click on "Find an Arborist" at the top of the page; then click on United States from the pull-down menu. Then enter your State and City. This should bring up a list of certified arborists nearest to you. Or you may be able to locate one under "Tree Services" in your local Yellow Pages. Good luck!

An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 02, 2022, 9:49 AM EDT

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