
Wild parsnip #803683

Asked July 29, 2022, 4:51 PM EDT

I am really struggling with wild parsnip in my files and am trying to remove, prevent, eradicate this poisonous plant. I want to have farm animals but I really worried about this. Do you have a solution, goats to eat this. I am at my whits end and feel defeated. I am trying to turn this land into a productive organic garden space, but the removal, and maintained everything of the wild parsnip is defeating. Thank you for any help you can give!

Chittenden County Vermont

Expert Response

You are wonder.  Thank you for your assistance!  

Justin Fox

On Jul 29, 2022, at 19:47, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied July 29, 2022, 8:07 PM EDT

Good afternoon Justin,

Thank you for contacting the UVM Extension Master Gardener Helpline. Below you will find reference information that I hope will be helpful.  The link below contains information to help with identification of the Wild Parsnip plant, as well as safe control methods for removal. 

Included in this fact sheet are other links for more information. I would recommend opening up the link to the Ontario site. This site contains helpful information.

The Ontario publication includes guidance on mowing, pulling, tarping, tilling, and chemical means to control wild parsnip.

Since you are planning to make this area a garden, some well-timed mowing, tarping and tillage might be good strategies.

Please make sure that whatever practices you employ, that you are taking care to wear protective clothing and eye protection when dealing with poison parsnip, ideally managing young plants under cloudy conditions to avoid phytophotodermatitis.

The Ontario publication gives some guidance on protecting yourself.

In your question, you made mention about goats eating the wild parsnip.  There is some evidence that suggests goats may be able to successfully control poison parsnip – studies have shown that they have been able to successfully metabolize the plants (because they are a ruminant) but can also get phytophotodermatitis like other mammals. Because we are not livestock specialists, we are not able to comment further on goat management but here are some articles that suggest that goats may help:

I hope this information will assist you in developing a plan on how to address your wild parsnip problem.

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