
Hovering Flies in Portland #803506

Asked July 28, 2022, 2:12 PM EDT

Hello, there are a ton of these hovering flies in my neighborhood. I’ve even seen a swarm of them hovering in my favorite coffee shop. They seem to like to hover under my cedar trees and have not been caught by fly traps or insect lights. What can I use to trap and kill them? Here is a photo of one I caught with an electric fly swatter.

Multnomah County Oregon

Expert Response

Hello Naomi,

Do you happen to have any other photos of the flies? I assigned this question to an expert but they struggled to ID the insect with the photo that was submitted. Feel free to reply to this message with any additional photos.

Thank you,


Take care, Replied August 09, 2022, 1:10 PM EDT

I hear your concern about the flies that are bothering you. While it's not possible to identify your fly from the image you shared, here are a few options that might help: 

The top takeaway, per the University of California: "Almost all nuisance fly species are best controlled by eliminating larval developmental sites and reducing adult attractants in the vicinity of buildings or other areas of concern. Chemicals are only rarely required for fly management in residential situations. Their use generally leads only to short-term control because they target adult flies, leaving immature developmental sites unchanged and available to produce the next generation of adult flies."

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