
Undesirable Lawn Grass #803042

Asked July 25, 2022, 11:10 PM EDT

Hi, I have some grass in my lawn that is not the regular fescue, etc. but I don't know what it is. It is a real bright or light green color compared to the lawn grasses. It could be Barnyard Grass or Foxtail or Crabgrass but I can't really tell if it is one of those from the website. Can you identify it? Then, what can I do to control it? Thanks, Chris Kutac<personal data hidden>

Ramsey County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thank you for writing.
#1, next to the asphalt is smooth crabgrass. A preemergent crabgrass killer next spring is the chemical control.  This one is easy to pull out but it should not go to seed.  
I need a better straight down closeup for Image 2.
The bottom image is Nimblewill.
All of these weeds can be deterred with a thicker lawn.  You should be mowing to 3.5 to 4 inches and letting the grass grow to 5-6 inches before mowing.  Allowing the grass to get taller, gives it deeper roots which prevents weeds and also things like Japanese beetles. Weedkillers should not be applied for a month after reseeding.  
I suggest that you change mowing now and in Sept rake and overseed with 60% bluegrass, 40% fescues.  You can get this at good garden stores.
Do not fertilize your lawn more than once a season. Most herbicides weaken grass too.
Hi Steve,

Thanks for the identification and the tips. I understand healthy grass is the most important thing and have been working on that. It is tough with a hot summer and no sprinkler system. It does allow me to see the weak spots and add more soil amendments in the Fall. I moved into the house 5 years ago and the lawn was basically mostly weeds. I should have torn it all up and started over. Instead I worked on weeds and overseeding and fertilizing. Over the years it is now solidly grass and I don't have that many weeds now. I pull most but have just enough sprinkled in there that spot weed killing is appealing. 

Thanks for the mowing tips and fertilizing. I increase mowing height from Spring to Summer and decrease it in the Fall. I am at 3.25 inches on the mower now. The problem I have with that is the grass is too wispy to stand tall yet. I need it to get thicker before that will completely work.

Your best advice was the grass mix. I have wondered what is best here because I moved from Albuquerque. That is a different game there. I tried a few things and I understand the grass types enough to know what to look for. Thanks for that.

Thanks again.

Chris K.

From: askextension=<personal data hidden> <askextension=<personal data hidden>> on behalf of Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2022 10:31 AM
To: Christopher Kutac <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Undesirable Lawn Grass (#0072973)
The Question Asker Replied July 26, 2022, 7:35 PM EDT
You are far too short on the mower.  Move it up and mow more often.  This will help select for the grass currently on the ground.
You are on the right track. 

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