
spots on tomatoe leaves- curling leaves #802925

Asked July 25, 2022, 2:15 PM EDT

The leaves on my tomatoe plants have been curling.....recently i have noticed that they are now spoted.  The fruit look good still.suspect septoria leaf stop.  What do i need to do to save my tomato crop.

Tuscola County Michigan

Expert Response

Hi Leslie, thanks for the question.

The leaf curling is most likely a stress response.  This is known as physiological leaf roll.  Hot temperatures, heavy pruning, root injury, water issues, et al can are potential causes.  The spots appear to be Septoria leaf spot.  Fungicides work best as a preventative but can slow the progression of the disease.  Check out the following links for more detail and control/ management:

Tomato Leaves Rolling? | Home & Garden Information Center (

Septoria leaf spot of tomatoes - MSU Extension

Septoria Leaf Spot of Tomato | NC State Extension Publications (

Tomato leaf spot diseases | UMN Extension

I hope this is helpful.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 26, 2022, 12:10 PM EDT

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