Cherokee Purple Tomatoes #802784
Asked July 24, 2022, 5:29 PM EDT
Montgomery County Maryland
Expert Response
Hi Steven,
Your question is well taken. The tomatoes in the picture are green and red. Like regular tomatoes, Cherokee Purple tomatoes are green at first and turn dusky brown-purple to purple/black on ripening. The maturity time for Cherokee Purple is very long at about 85 days, and if the tomatoes were planted about Mother's Day, then they should be about 70 days. Often Cherokee Purple go through a dusky red appearing phase before turning purple. Also the coloration is light sensitive so that the areas of the tomato which receive the most light (> 8 hours) are the most purple. Finally, there are variations in purple depending on weather. I suspect that your tomatoes were not mislabeled, but are turning purple late. We will have to wait until they ripen to see for sure. Let me know the outcome. Sorry that I can't be more definitive.