
Grape vine fungus? #802734

Asked July 24, 2022, 1:05 PM EDT

Since 2020 my grape vines have had a rusty spotting on the leaves that eventually turns into a white powdery mildew that dehydrates the fruit prior to harvest. I have cut away the infected areas late fall and prior to first budding in the spring I have applied Bonide's all seasons horticultural & dormant spray oil to all the vines. I Also have been using Ferti-Lome's broad-spectrum fungicide several times a month. This seems to have slowed, but not stop this issue. Attached are pics of the affected vines and leaves I just removed and a pic showing some of the green fruit that is already starting to show signs dehydration.

Dickinson County Michigan

Expert Response

this question is outside my area of expertise. Please contact Tim Miles (<personal data hidden>), Prof of Plant Pathology at MSU for questions related to grapevine diseases. 
An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 26, 2022, 12:35 PM EDT

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