Sweet red pepper leaves #802593
Asked July 23, 2022, 11:34 AM EDT
Iosco County Michigan
Expert Response
Here is a picture of the plant, as you can see it is not thriving. I have 3 more plants that look about the same. Thank you.
On Jul 23, 2022, at 11:36 AM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
I added a photo of some type of beetle? Found in soil around pepper, we’re actually about 7 all in same area. An infestation of some sort? Would they be eating the leaves? Thank you for any help to get pepper plants healthier.
Hi Janice, thanks for the question.
Visit your plants after dark, take a flashlight and you may see these critters chowing down on your plant. This is the Asiatic Garden Beetle aka Maladera castanea/ Maladera formosae. Although there are pesticides available, hand picking at night is suggested. Azadiractin or neem oil can help repel them. If you decide to use a chemical be sure to read the label and make sure it is listed for peppers (fruiting plants). Getting rid of weeds can put a dent in their population. Check out the following links:
Asiatic Garden Beetle [fact sheet] | Extension (
Asiatic Garden Beetle (
Asiatic Garden Beetle - Purdue Landscape Report
Asiatic Garden Beetle | NC State Extension Publications (
I hope this is helpful.
On Jul 24, 2022, at 3:55 PM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote: