
Lettuce black speck #802103

Asked July 19, 2022, 5:43 PM EDT

Iceberg lettuce, growing 2 months but not yet bolted, has black specks 5mm in size Specks wash off Can we still eat the lettuce?

Summit County Ohio

Expert Response

Hi Kate,

From your photo, this looks more like a seed than anything left behind by an animal or insect. Is there something growing close to the lettuce that has gone to seed recently and could have dropped seed on your salad? 

I'm afraid I cannot certify the safety of consuming something based on a photograph. The Clemson Cooperative Extension has prepared an information sheet on the safe handling of lettuce and you can read it at this link: According to that article, grit or foreign objects that can be rinsed off are far less of a concern than bacteria which we cannot see.

You are fortunate that you have been able to keep your lettuce growing for such a long time - mine bolted long ago!

Best regards,

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