What is causing this maple leaf curl? - Ask Extension
What is causing the maple leaf to curl and have brown spots
What is causing this maple leaf curl? #801419
Asked July 15, 2022, 9:11 PM EDT
What is causing the maple leaf to curl and have brown spots
Oakland County Michigan
Expert Response
While I cannot positively identify a condition from pictures, below are some possibilities consistent with what is shown. I suspect they received damage of some sort when the leaves were young. As the leaf grows, the dead tissue cannot grow and causes the new tissue to curl.
Maple anthracnose and maple blister are both cosmetic (non-fatal) diseases that typically show symptoms in late spring/early summer. Neither will threaten the life of the tree but do cause damage to leaves which could lead to curling. (https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/maple_leaf_blister_and_anthracnose_two_foliar_diseases_that_can_appear_on_s). Any other physical damage to leaves in the spring from frost or scorch of young leaves could cause curling as the leaves grow and attempt to expand. Tissue killed by insects can also cause curling. You may also want to unfurl some of the curled leaves and look for signs of insects.
Maple anthracnose and maple blister are both cosmetic (non-fatal) diseases that typically show symptoms in late spring/early summer. Neither will threaten the life of the tree but do cause damage to leaves which could lead to curling. (https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/maple_leaf_blister_and_anthracnose_two_foliar_diseases_that_can_appear_on_s). Any other physical damage to leaves in the spring from frost or scorch of young leaves could cause curling as the leaves grow and attempt to expand. Tissue killed by insects can also cause curling. You may also want to unfurl some of the curled leaves and look for signs of insects.
thank you for your response!