
Row of bushes dropping leaves fast #800836

Asked July 12, 2022, 10:01 PM EDT

Hi, my row of bushes has started dropping leaves extremely fast. Within just the last three days or so. It looks like there’s a little webbing on the top of a couple bushes but I don’t see that throughout all of them. I don’t see any insects so perhaps they’re very small. Do you know what’s causing this issue and is there something I can do to treat the bushes and save them? Thank you! Otto

Franklin County Ohio

Expert Response

Hi Otto,

I need to ask some further questions to help you figure out what is going on with these bushes:

- How long have these bushes been growing in this site?
- What side of your house are these bushes on? (What sun exposure do they get each day?)
- Do you water these bushes when it doesn't rain for several days?
- Do you have any specific information on what kind of bushes these are - from plant tags or labels, for example?
 - Are any other plants in the vicinity struggling recently?
 - Were these bushes recently pruned or changed in any way?

Trees and shrubs that are stressed (by things like heat and drought) can become more susceptible to pests like spider mites, so that may be why you are seeing some webbing. This article from Purdue Extension will provide you with a quick and easy test for spider mites, as well as information on how to treat for them if you discover that you have a large infestation:

I will look forward to receiving more information from you to help with solving this problem.

Hi Jennifer! Thank you so much for the quick response. I've answered your questions below and I'll read the article you sent. I attached a couple more photos. Sorry I can't remember which pictures I sent because the site wouldn't let up upload more than 3. 

Hi Otto,

I need to ask some further questions to help you figure out what is going on with these bushes:

- How long have these bushes been growing in this site? At least 10 years old.
- What side of your house are these bushes on? (What sun exposure do they get each day?) They are facing South/West, they get sun most of the afternoon and evening. Morning shade.
- Do you water these bushes when it doesn't rain for several days? No, I don't. I was thinking of getting a soaker hose but wanted to know what the issue was before I invested in that.
- Do you have any specific information on what kind of bushes these are - from plant tags or labels, for example? I don't know, they were here when I purchased the home.
 - Are any other plants in the vicinity struggling recently? No, just these bushes. The affected area is worse with the bushes on the left and then get's better with the ones on the far right, I'd say at least 3/4 of them are infected/affected.
 - Were these bushes recently pruned or changed in any way? Yes, I pruned them less than a month ago.

Trees and shrubs that are stressed (by things like heat and drought) can become more susceptible to pests like spider mites, so that may be why you are seeing some webbing. This article from Purdue Extension will provide you with a quick and easy test for spider mites, as well as information on how to treat for them if you discover that you have a large infestation:

I will look forward to receiving more information from you to help with solving this problem.


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Jennifer G.

OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteer
Thank you for allowing us to help you with your gardening questions. Here are some other helpful websites:
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The Question Asker Replied July 13, 2022, 11:25 AM EDT
Thank you for the answers to my earlier questions.

I think that these shrubs were first stressed by lack of water and then infested by mites. Spider mites particularly like dry conditions. If you haven't received a lot of rain in your location over the last two days, then I would first suggest that you take a hose and spray the bushes with a strong spray to dislodge the mites. Then, make sure that they are watered regularly (when it hasn't rained for at least two days, water them deeply every other day). Make sure not to prune them again this summer, since you want to give them plenty of time to recover and prepare for winter. 

If the shrubs don't improve with water, here is a link that may help: From your photos, these shrubs look like a type of privet. Also, here is more information from our Ohioline publication about spider mites: Armed with this information, and helped by some rain, you should be able to bring this infestation under control.

Please let us know if you have more questions!

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