
Tomato disease #800442

Asked July 11, 2022, 7:31 AM EDT

A friend and I are debating whether this (see pix) is early blight. Could you confirm this is early blight or suggest what else might be killing this tomato plant?

Baltimore City County Maryland

Expert Response

Hi and thanks for reaching us

Cannot be certain from photo but some leaves appear to have early blight lesions. Some of the leaf yellowing could be caused by some other plant stressors.


Abiotic issues who can turn leaves yellow:

Over watering can cause root rot, nutriment deficiency or plant suffocation.

Compacted soil. Roots need space to grow and breath.

Lack of nutriments.  A slow release fertilizer will give the nutriment needed over many weeks.

Good luck,

-Nick Replied July 12, 2022, 8:23 PM EDT

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