White spots on my arugula - Ask Extension
Are you able to identify the spots on my arugula and lettuce? It doesn’t rub off. I just planted this lettuce a couple of weeks ago. It seems wid...
White spots on my arugula #800276
Asked July 09, 2022, 5:48 PM EDT
Are you able to identify the spots on my arugula and lettuce? It doesn’t rub off. I just planted this lettuce a couple of weeks ago. It seems widespread through the entire row.
Anne Arundel County Maryland
Expert Response
Hi Kay!
The damage appears to be injury from one or more sucking insect pests, such as leafhoppers, whitefly, and aphids. Check leaf undersides for signs of pests. Insects will fly off plants when you brush leaves. This is a minor injury and it does not affect eating quality.