
Maple tree dying? #799877

Asked July 07, 2022, 2:06 PM EDT

I have a large maple (?kind, green leaves turn yellow in fall, not red). It was turning yellow early a couple of years ago, told needed iron. We did an iron infusion and really seemed to work. Looked like starting same thing last fall, told to wait until spring/summer for iron. Gave another Iron infusion about a week ago. Now a lot of dead leaves falling off tree and looks like maybe some branches dying. This is a huge tree and don't want to lose. Does it sound like this is from iron, or maybe something else going on? Also, do you know someone in the Arvada area that might be able to evaluate and help? There are so many tree services but want somebody that really know trees. Thanks

Jefferson County Colorado

Expert Response

Hi Tracy,
Thanks for your question.  There are several potential causes for leaf drop and branch dieback, including drought, winter injury (we've seen a lot over the last couple of years).  Can you send a photo of your tree, along with info on how it is watered during the season, and whether/frequency of supplemental winter watering?

Thank you, trying to take pictures but not coming out so well so I may try and take some when the sun goes away

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 8, 2022, at 8:09 AM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied July 08, 2022, 5:47 PM EDT
OK, send when convenient.  If photos don't work, you can bring a branch sample to the Jeffco Plant Diagnostic Clinic, address below, open Tues - Fri.  Branch sample 2-4 feet showing transition from healthy to damaged tissue.

Ok , here are some pics.  Not sure if going to help.  Lawn shows all of the dead leaves.  Would be very hard to get branch sample as too high.  Would the iron infusion somehow "shock" the tree as they all seemed to start dying after the infusion?


From: askextension=<personal data hidden> <askextension=<personal data hidden>> on behalf of Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Friday, July 8, 2022 8:05 PM
To: Tracy Wolf <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Maple tree dying? (#0069808)
The Question Asker Replied July 11, 2022, 9:30 PM EDT
Hello Tracy and thank you for the photos. 

You maple tree might be a silver maple, although it is difficult to give an accurate ID from the photos.  From the photos it appears that the yellow leaves that are still on the tree have iron chlorosis.  The distinguishing symptom is that the leaves are yellow except that the veins are green.  Am I seeing this correctly?

Iron chlorosis is a problem with many maple trees along the Front Range.  Silver maples are especially prone to the problem.  I suspect that the iron infusion that was applied to the tree was to treat the iron chlorosis.  Did they do a trunk injection?  From the research I have done, the only issue with applying a trunk injection is if it is done incorrectly.  If you had a certified arborist  apply the injection, the injection should not be the cause of the leaves dropping and dying branches.  Here is a great article on iron chlorosis.  It gives good suggestions on how to minimize the iron chlorosis.

With regards to the leaf drop, there are a couple of possibilities.  Trees will "shed" leaves in the summer if there is not enough moisture in the ground to sustain them.  It is a way of coping with drought stress.  It has been extremely hot and dry this July.  

Another possibility, is the leaves are dropping on specific branches that are stressed.  Has there been any digging, trenching, or pesticides applied in areas near the tree.  It appears that certain branches are affected, but many branches are fine.  With maple trees, any damage done to a root on a particular side would effect branches on that same side of the tree.  Also, winter damage to particular branches of a tree has been prevalent this season.  Mari mentioned that in a previous communication.  

The bottom line is you should have a certified arborist check out your tree.  The following link should help.

Sorry I could not be more help.  

Jeff C
Jeffco Plant Clinic
Oops.  I also meant to send you this document.  Check out the section on "Drought Injury." This describes how insufficient moisture, especially during the fall and winter, can lead to dead branches.

Jeff C
Jeffco Plant Clinic
Thank you so much for your response.  So hard since drought and overwatering seem to cause same problem.  Anyway, thanks for the link for the arborist.  Now, just have to figure out which one to pick : )

From: askextension=<personal data hidden> <askextension=<personal data hidden>> on behalf of Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2022 10:23 AM
To: Tracy Wolf <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Maple tree dying? (#0069808)
The Question Asker Replied July 13, 2022, 3:52 PM EDT
Sorry for late reply.  I have been reading the article and do want to have someone look at.  Was out of the country for a couple of weeks and now back on it.   Are there any experts you recommend in the Arvada area?  Does Jeffco maybe have someone?  Looking at the list at find a arborist is a little daunting as there are so many and so many companies.


From: askextension=<personal data hidden> <askextension=<personal data hidden>> on behalf of Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2022 10:23 AM
To: Tracy Wolf <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Maple tree dying? (#0069808)
The Question Asker Replied August 11, 2022, 3:25 PM EDT
good luck with the maple tree!

Pat B

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