
Chrysanthemum Problem #799855

Asked July 07, 2022, 12:42 PM EDT

Hello, I am growing mums and have a question about a problem I am having. I noticed some black spots and darkening on the edges of the leaf and underside. There are also what appears to be small orange bugs on the underside of the leaf. I would appreciate any help identifying what is wrong. Thank you!

Stark County Ohio

Expert Response

Hi Katie,

Mums are a fairly hardy plant and a great addition to any landscape or patio. Unfortunately they do have a few issues.Thank you for the pictures; they are a big help. When lower leaves develop dark spots the first suspect is Chrysanthemum Leaf Spot. That is a bacteria that is carried on the leaves and appears when there is a warm and moist environment, like now. Control is to remove the infected leaves, make sure there is good air circulation around the plant and water the ground, not the plant from above.

As far as the bugs there are a number of insects that could be laying eggs on the plant. they include aphids, mites, thrips, beetles leaf miners and stem borers. To control, wipe off the objects or spray them off. I use a hand held spray bottle. You can purchase an insecticidal soap or horticulture oil to apple very couple of days for two weeks. I use an organic method of a tablespoon of dish soap in a quart of water.

For more helpful information go to: HTTPS:// and search for Aphids on Treesand Shrubs HYG-2031. Also just browse all the great information. Additionally the Stark County Extension Office, 2800 Richville Dr. SE #100, Massillon, Ohio 44646,<personal data hidden> is a good resource.

I hope I was not too chatty and you found this information helpful.

Happy gardening.

Mike Heys

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 08, 2022, 9:30 AM EDT
Not at all too chatty, I like to learn and this is very helpful! Thank you so much!
On Fri, Jul 8, 2022 at 9:30 AM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied July 08, 2022, 11:59 AM EDT

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