
Tomato curly top virus? #799621

Asked July 06, 2022, 2:06 AM EDT

One of my tomato plants has recently developed leafs that are twisted so that the underside is facing upward and the veins are becoming purplish. This is happening primarily on the newer growth. The only explanation I've found is curly top virus but I would appreciate a confirmation or another explanation, which ever is the case. Thanks

Multnomah County Oregon

Expert Response

Hi and thanks for your excellent pictures of your tomato plant leaves. Yes, I agree it fits the symptoms for curly top virus and I'm attaching an article which is not very encouraging, as there is not much you can do once the plant is infected. The article does list some resistant varieties, but it is pretty late to be replanting tomatoes unless we have one of those very late warm falls.

Never one to give up hope, and since the rest of the plant looks healthy, I would probably remove the infected leaves and see what happens. If the plant continues to decline, pull it out but sometimes plants, like people, can recover from a virus.

Good luck!
Rhonda Frick-Wright Replied July 06, 2022, 4:40 PM EDT
Hi again... not sure if I remembered to attach the article!
Rhonda Frick-Wright Replied July 06, 2022, 4:43 PM EDT

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