
Goldenrod Plant disease #799435

Asked July 05, 2022, 9:31 AM EDT

This is my third year with these two goldenrod plants. They have bloomed. This year the one on the right looks as though it has a disease. I did increase the watering this year. Can you give me an idea of what might be happening?

Calvert County Maryland

Expert Response


We suggest reducing the frequency of watering. Goldenrod are generally a drought-tolerant plant and when you water them too much, it can cause the roots to essentially drown and rot, which can lead to discolored leaves, wilting or dieback. 

I have a lot of goldenrod in my garden and I only watered it when I first planted it a few years ago. It is thriving without additional water. Try to cut back on watering and see how the plant looks. You may have to prune it back a little to stimulate some growth. 


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