
Zucchini plant problem #799371

Asked July 04, 2022, 3:19 PM EDT

Hello. I've always done container gardens and using the same pots, soil, location, and watering schedule for my zucchini plant. This is the first year that my young zucchini are turning yellow when they are about 4 inches long. The white on the leaves is also a common problem. Yes, I do water at the base. The mulch around the bottom is cedar. We've had a lot of very hot days and I've been watering them heavily. Any suggestions why the zucchini aren't growing normally? Thank you

Oakland County Michigan

Expert Response

Hi again, thanks for the question.

The white powdery spots on the leaves and petioles is powdery mildew.  Start treating now.

The yellowing zucchini are most likely unpollinated female flowers. This fits with the gourd problem.  The zucchini female flowers are very short lived and if not pollinate will wither away. Try hand pollination.  Check out the following links:<personal data hidden>.pdf

Powdery mildew of cucurbits | UMN Extension

I hope this helps.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 05, 2022, 9:49 PM EDT

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