
Apricots shriveling on dwarf apricot tree #799059

Asked July 01, 2022, 6:38 PM EDT

Hi, we have a dwarf apricot tree planted in a large pot. It is 3 years old. Last year, it had a couple of apricots and they were very delicious. This spring, the tree began to produce a lot of the beginnings of apricots. I have been watching it eagerly anticipating apricots, however, this week I noticed that the apricots are beginning to shrivel. Some have even failed to grow large and have fallen off, A few of the tree leaves also have a crinkled, hard, reddish appearance here and there (see photos). Can you identify what is wrong with the tree and tell me how to correct it please? Thank you. 

Marion County Oregon

Expert Response

Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately your photos did not come through. Can you try reattaching them? If that doesn't work feel free to email me directly at <personal data hidden>

Even without the photos I can let you know that apricots really struggle with the weather in our area. Apricots flower very early and we usually get a late frost. Not a great combination for fruit development! You mentioned it is growing in a container. Could you wheel the pot to a protected area (garage, shed, indoors) on those cold spring nights?

Look forward to seeing photos to figure out what is going on with the leaves. 

Hi Brooke,


Thank you for replying to my question. I am sorry the photos didn’t load. I have attached them to this email.   I look forward to any advice you might have as I really like these apricots. We do roll it into and out of our shop during cold days and nights so it is sheltered.




From: askextension=<personal data hidden> <askextension=<personal data hidden>> On Behalf Of Ask Extension
Sent: Tuesday, July 5, 2022 5:13 PM
To: Terri L. Kistler <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Apricots shriveling on dwarf apricot tree (#0068990)


The Question Asker Replied July 06, 2022, 4:50 PM EDT
Thanks for the photos-those were super helpful!

This looks like a fungal problem caused by Taphrina spp. This is a common occurrence on peaches and causes a disease called Peach Leaf Curl. It is rare that it shows up on apricot. But the cool wet spring was the perfect weather for this disease to develop. I checked in with the OSU Extension Plant Pathology specialist and they have seen this on cherry, poplar and even pears this year (super rare!)

Some things you can do:
  • Cross your fingers for a drier spring next year!
  • Use dormant season sprays of fungicide. Follow the instructions for leaf curl on peach in Managing Diseases and Insects in Home Orchards (start on page 9 in the pdf version). This will protect the new leaves from getting infected. Spray the plant at 50% leaf fall (around late October), and again at delayed dormant (usually in mid-January, before the flowers open). You can use either a copper-based spray (may be  labeled organic), or a product containing chlorothalonil.
Take a look at those resources and let me know what additional questions you have. 

Thank you so much Brooke. I will study the booklet and be prepared for next year. Where would we be without you wonderful experts? I appreciate your time and knowledge.




From: askextension=<personal data hidden> <askextension=<personal data hidden>> On Behalf Of Ask Extension
Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2022 10:08 AM
To: Terri L. Kistler <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Apricots shriveling on dwarf apricot tree (#0068990)


The Question Asker Replied July 07, 2022, 7:43 PM EDT

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