
curly leaves on redbud trees #798957

Asked July 01, 2022, 11:06 AM EDT

We planted a few redbud trees a few years ago, and the leaves are curling badly. What is this? Insect attack?

Clermont County Ohio

Expert Response

Thank you for your question. My first thought after looking at these pictures is heat stress.There does not appear to be any sign of insect damage. I also note the outer edges of some of the photos are a pale greenish colour as this may also indicate water deficiency or lacking of soil nutrients. You may try to increase your watering time by 15 more minutes and if not watering begin to do so to see if improvements occur.

I have listed a few links on Redbuds that may be of interest. Also should you wish to contact your County OSU Extension Service for additional advice or assistance, I have listed their contact information.

Thank you for allowing us to help you with your gardening questions. Here are some other helpful websites:
BYGL Newsletter:
OSUE FactSheets:
State Master Gardener Volunteer website -

Clermont County OSU Extension Office

1000 Locust St

PO Box 670

Owensville, Ohio 45160

Phone:<personal data hidden>

Fax:<personal data hidden>


Visit the Clermont County Office website

MGV Seneca County Replied July 04, 2022, 9:08 PM EDT

OK! thank you very much! That is very helpful. 

We increased the watering cycle last week, and they do seem happier now, but I have bookmarked those sites and will be reading through them tomorrow to see what else we can do.

Right now we are watering each tree for 30 minutes (hose directly at the base, robins love to take a birdbath in the water). Twice a week, more if no rain.

These redbuds have had a tough 2 years. The first year rabbits chewed off all the buds, then in the fall deer chewed them all down to stubs. I am amazed they are still alive.

The Question Asker Replied July 05, 2022, 7:18 PM EDT
   Your welcome. I hope it works out for you.
I can relate to the deer browsing. I,m now dealing with ground hogs.
MGV Seneca County Replied July 05, 2022, 8:21 PM EDT

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