
Apple fruit disease #798039

Asked June 27, 2022, 10:39 AM EDT

As soon as petal drop i noticed these little bumps on the apple . The fruit matures and it rots and fall or the fruit is deformed. I also notice that some of the fruit now have these little spikes growing outof it. What am i dealing with.

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

This appears to be quince rust, a fungal disease that requires a rose family member (apple, pear, hawthorn, quince) and a juniper species to complete its life cycle:

It's usually not practical to break the disease cycle by removing the juniper host plant. This rust disease is considered less significant than others, like cedar-apple rust. Favorable conditions for the disease before and after bloom (extended wet weather and temps above 50 degrees F.) may have contributed to a higher incidence this year.

This rust and other diseases can be prevented with scheduled fungicide applications:
Remove and discard all affected fruits.

Just a follow up so the bump that shows up after petals fall in the first pic is the quince rust ?

The Question Asker Replied June 28, 2022, 12:22 PM EDT

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