
Dying Blue Spruce #797664

Asked June 24, 2022, 2:56 PM EDT

I live in Clayton Township. New this year is death of top of 2 blue spruce trees. Can anything be done to save tree? Cut top off? Will this “disease” infect my other 9 Pine trees? Thank you for any info you can share. Sally Hilden

Genesee County Michigan

Expert Response

Hello Sally
This is likely damage by white pine weevil larvae. The dead areas should be pruned out now, and a single healthy shoot should be trained as a new leader.
— Here are details.
Training a new leader —”Using a splint to train a new leader”

If you cannot safely do this yourself due to the size of the tree, you can hire an arborist to do it for you. Find certified arborists by zip code here. –

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