
Dying Tart Cherry Tree #797270

Asked June 22, 2022, 2:07 PM EDT

I have a 25+ year old tart cherry tree that is dying back due to a lichen or scale on the trunk and branches. Is there something I can do to rescue this tree?

Jackson County Michigan

Expert Response

Hi Dave,

Sorry to hear about the decline of your tart cherry tree.  Could please send me a few photos of the tree (close up and from a distance), leaves (both sides of the leaf) to help me diagnose the problem.  Also, can you give me a little more info on the care you have been giving the tree (pruning, fertilizer...etc).  Has there been any damage to the tree trunk in the last few years?

Thank you,

MSUE Master Gardener
An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 22, 2022, 10:15 PM EDT

Pam—thanks for the prompt response to my inquiry.  The leaves are healthy.  Some have a slight curl, probably from the extreme heat we’ve had the past couple of days.  The fruit is good, some with worms because I stopped spraying in early spring after they banned the diazinone that I used for years.  I’ve been cutting back the dead branches—much of which is in the center.  There doesn’t seem to be any canker in the trunk—just the scale of lichen material.  I’ll try to take some photos if you think it would help you to decide on the trouble.


Dave Rusnell


From: askextension=<personal data hidden> [mailto:askextension=<personal data hidden>] On Behalf Of Ask Extension
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2022 10:15 PM
To: Dave Rusnell
Subject: Re: Dying Tart Cherry Tree (#0067201)


The Question Asker Replied June 23, 2022, 5:09 PM EDT
Hi Dave,

Yes please, photos would be helpful.  Lichen doesn't harm trees.
Lichen is self-sustaining – it doesn't take any nutrients from the tree that it's on and therefore doesn't harm the tree (although some people consider it unsightly). It gets all of the nutrients it needs from rain and the surrounding air.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 27, 2022, 9:49 AM EDT

Okay.  I’m attaching 5 photos for your review.


Thanks for your time and help.


Dave Rusnell


From: askextension=<personal data hidden> [mailto:askextension=<personal data hidden>] On Behalf Of Ask Extension
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2022 9:50 AM
To: Dave Rusnell
Subject: Re: Dying Tart Cherry Tree (#0067201)


The Question Asker Replied July 02, 2022, 7:10 PM EDT

Hi Dave:

The lichen is not causing your tree to decline. However, I don't really see what is causing the dieback. Did it die this spring or during the summer? It could be winter injury, which we have seen more than I would have expected this year as I didn't think the winter was too bad. However, we have a lot of dead cherries in commercial blocks this year.


An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 02, 2022, 11:49 AM EDT

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