Chrysanthemum Leaf Troubles #796410
Asked June 17, 2022, 7:17 AM EDT
Shiawassee County Michigan
Expert Response
Chrysanthemums are subject to several leaf spot fungi including Septoria chrysanthemi, S. chrysanthemella, Alternaria species, and Cercospora chrysanthem. Symptoms first appear as yellow spots which turn brown to black. Spots often occur on lower leaves first and can coalesce into large necrotic areas and finally death of the entire leaf. Small black fruiting bodies may be seen in the lesions of some leaf spot fungi. Leaf spot diseases are encouraged by prolonged periods of leaf wetness and high relative humidity.
Good sanitation is needed. Regularly clean up and destroy infected plant debris and hand pick symptomatic leaves from lightly infested plants. If using overhead irrigation, watering in early morning helps foliage to dry quicker. Fungicides can be helpful. Follow all directions as listed. Clean all garden tools daily.
Thank you for your reply! I will look into all the info/suggestions you have given!