
Small clear worms in garden #795802

Asked June 13, 2022, 7:39 PM EDT

Hello! I have extremely small clear worms in my vegetable garden. They congregate near the roots of the plants. All of the plants in the beds are stunted and some never take off at all. I’m not sure if it’s the worms or another problem. I was hoping someone could help identify them. I looked online and the closest thing I could find was a pot worm. The article said they’re positive.

Curry County Oregon

Expert Response

Hi Diana,

Yes, those look like potworms (Family: Enchytraeidae) to me too. And the information you found it correct. They feed on mineral and organic matter in rich, moist soils, much like earthworms. Like earthworms, they help with nutrient cycling and soil aeration. They do not damage plants, so it seems like something else must be preventing your plants from growing well.

Best wishes!
Bill Gerth Replied June 14, 2022, 12:57 PM EDT

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