
mounds in yard #793799

Asked June 02, 2022, 9:30 AM EDT

What is making mounds of dirt in several places in our yard and how do we stop it?

Tulsa County Oklahoma

Expert Response

Terribly sorry for the delayed response. You may have already resolved the issue, but in case you haven't here are some ideas.

Finding freshly dug mounds of soil in the garden, lawn, or landscape might be a sign of gophers or moles. Their mounds look similar and are frequently confused for each other.

A mole mound is usually volcano-shaped with a circular margin. A gopher mound often has a characteristic crescent shape and plugged opening. Actual mounds may look slightly different, but the descriptions are typical of the two vertebrates.

The best control options for either critter is traps. For more information on control of gophers and moles see Frequently Asked Questions for Wildlife Damage and Disease ...

David Hillock Replied September 21, 2022, 10:23 AM EDT

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