
Moth Identification #792690

Asked May 25, 2022, 8:23 PM EDT

Hello Team - We have this pesky moth that comes through our fireplace every year about this time (mid-may to mid-june). After mid-june, we never see them. Someone originally suggested that this was a meal moth but it does not appear to match any of the photos I can find for a meal moth; we have also never seen any of these in the pantry and they exclusively come from the fireplace. We had a fireplace technician come last year and he could not find any evidence of moths within the chimney so he thought they might be coming from the outside. Can you identify this moth for us? Thanks!

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thank you for sending the photo in with a light background. It makes it easier to identify this likely is a meal moth. The first link below has a photo that closely resembles yours. These pests are typically present in your kitchen or other areas that have food present. If they are present in your food preparation areas it takes diligence in cleaning and food storage to eradicate them. If you are only noticing in your fireplace area I would suggest vacuuming up and throwing away your vacuum bag or accumulation directly in the trash. The second link below has information about the larva and methods for getting rid of them in the kitchen.
Amy J. Extension Master Gardener - HC Replied May 29, 2022, 12:22 PM EDT

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