
Trying to ID Pest #792663

Asked May 25, 2022, 5:38 PM EDT

WE have three Legacy Maples planted in 2020. They didn't do real well last year but seem to be much better this year. We have noticed some bugs that we need to id and find out if we should spray and if so what would be recommended. Attached are a couple of pictures (I apologize for the focus) I hope are good enough to help. Thank you Stan Talstra

Windham County Vermont

Expert Response

Hi Stan,

Thank you so much for your question!  I had to get some help on this one, so I asked Ann Hazelrigg, PhD.  I am not sure if you are familiar with Ann.  She is the the director of the Plant Diagnostic Clinic and a statewide resource for commercial growers, Master Gardeners, home gardeners and the general public to identify disease, insect and weed samples. 

She did tentatively identify the insect as a lightning bug (pictures were a little unclear) and should be of no concern to your Maple trees.  She requested that you take a look at the factsheet below and see if the markings match, and if they don't, please let us know.

Hope this helps!

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