
Boxwoods yellowing leaves #792019

Asked May 22, 2022, 8:17 AM EDT

We have a row of four year old boxwoods facing east. The one on the south end of the row has some yellowing leaves, the rest look fine. This one gets the least amount of sun as it moves throughout the day and is a tad smaller than the rest. Is this just winter kill or something more serious?? What should we do?

Wayne County Michigan

Expert Response

This does not fit the pattern for winter injury.  The leaves in the photo suggest a fungal issue, possibly volutella blight.  I would recommend sending a sample into the MSU Plant and Pest Diagnostic Services ( to determine which pathogen this is and how best to treat it.  Read the instructions on plant specimen submission carefully to ensure best results.  
Here is more information on volutella:
If you choose to forego the diagnostics, prune out all diseased branches on a dry day and carefully bag for trash.  Sanitize your pruning tools and gloves after working on the affected shrub.  Water adequately at the base to avoid leaf wetting during dry periods this summer. Be sure to plant disease resistant plants when purchasing new plants, trees and shrubs.
Thank you for contacting Ask Extension.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 23, 2022, 2:59 PM EDT

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