
Dying Trees? #791997

Asked May 21, 2022, 9:10 PM EDT

Hello. We have a group of trees in the back of our yard that seem to be dying. I have attached the images below. We noticed the trees browning last month and it has only gotten worse. No other trees in our yard or the neighbors yard seem to be infected. To the best of our knowledge no new changes have happened. The property behind is condemned and the lawn is not kept up. No idea if that makes a difference. What could have happened to these trees? Can they be saved? Or should we cut all of them down?

Eaton County Michigan

Expert Response

Could you tell me what types of conifers these are?

Diane - MSU Advanced Extension Master Gardener Replied May 24, 2022, 1:47 PM EDT

Hello, I believe these are Emerald Green Arborvitaes. 

The Question Asker Replied May 28, 2022, 11:48 AM EDT

Kirk - there could be several reasons why your arborvitaes are turning browning (it appears from the bottom up).  Check the soil around the base of the trees and if dry or compacted, the lower branches will die first as the little water or nutrients available feed the top of the tree.  Or possibly, they are just showing signs of stress from winter burn where strong winds affected the vascular system during cold weather this last winter.  

Also, these trees may have an insect problem like spider mites which suck the nutrients out of the tree.   Other potential issues are detailed in the link below.  If there is no evidence of insects or disease (which you should see), then we are back to winter burn or water issues.

Unfortunately, if you prune out the brown growth, new growth will not sprout from the woody area.  I suggest before you get to the cutting down stage, that it would be worth the fee to call in a licensed arborist to assess the health of the trees and possible remedies.  You can find a licensed arborist in your are through the website below.  Hope that helps.

Diane - MSU Advanced Extension Master Gardener Replied May 31, 2022, 2:32 PM EDT

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