
hens and eggs, worms #791853

Asked May 20, 2022, 4:41 PM EDT

I saw what could have been a worm in some scrambled eggs I was eating. The egg was from my hen, an Easter Egger. Next I gathered another egg which had fallen to the floor and so the outside shell was broken open and I saw something very unusual, white dots about the size of sesame seeds, inside the egg. I'm wondering what this is, probably too big to be worm eggs? Next I opened up that egg and the white connective strands seemed bigger than usual, but no worms and no white round things. I will attach pictures. If this chicken (I have four hens) has worms, how should I treat them to get rid of them.

Tillamook County Oregon

Expert Response

These photos appear to be air bubbles from a "bubbly air cell".  These are the clear circles near the yolk.  I assume the same from the cracked egg.  The larger white structures on either side of the yolk are the chalaza which is part of the albumen (egg white).  The dried structures attached to the shell don't appear to be worms, may be they are either something from the litter or from the hens cloaca when she laid the egg. 

If worms are a problem, there are wormers available at the feed store that are generally a one day treatment in the water.  Note: follow the instructions on the package when using any wormers or other pharmaceuticals as many can end in the egg as a residue when the hen metabolizes the compound.
James Hermes PhD Replied May 29, 2022, 7:23 PM EDT

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