
Magnolia Tree disease - Black Scale? #791654

Asked May 19, 2022, 1:11 PM EDT

We had a Star Magnolia for 20-25 years. About 5 years ago it developed a black growth on it's branches and abruptly died. We would like to replace it with a Star Magnolia in it's same location but since we are not familiar with it's disease we fear it may reoccur. Can you help us with this? The area seems to be dormant as we haven't been able to grow simple begonias in the soil. What can we plant there instead. It was a specimen plant and does not have that much room for height. (See Picture Below. It is of the area where we want to plant another Magnolia and there is a stake in the spot. ) NEXT QUESTION!!!! MOSS in Lawn and Garden We have so much moss that grows in our lawn and planting areas. We live in a somewhat wooded area, but it seems to have taken over How can we get rid of it? (See Pictures Below - There are Two of the Lawn area.)

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thank you for writing.
Scale kills many magnolias but without a picture, I do not know if this was your problem.
The key is prevention.  Right after blooming spray with neem oil (not the stuff that is labeled neem oil that has pyrethrins in it which is hard on pollinators.

As to the moss, moss is not so much an invader as a sign of a poor lawn environment.  I see sprinkler head.,pH%2C%20and%20poor%20air%20circulation
If I had to hazard a guess, you may be overwatering possibly trying to compensate for grass that is so short that it dries out.  Grass should be allowed to grow to 4 inches. The taller the grass, the deeper the roots and the more resilient it is.  This is a guess only. 
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My next question is, If I plant another Magnolia can I spray it and it will live or is it guaranteed to die?  It was Black Scale as confirmed by the arborist at Rainbow Tree who took it out.  What Specifically do I use to spray it with?  Brand and where do I purchase it?  Would it be too late this year for spraying?  THANK YOU for your prompt response.  

The Question Asker Replied May 19, 2022, 9:00 PM EDT
Thank you for writing. 

I suggest starting with the homeguide information.
Neem oil is a horticultural oil. (The University of MN is not allowed to endorse the use of particular brand names)

I cannot find any information on how likely it is to return after removal of a previously infected plant.  I will put this question out on a blog of Master Gardeners.

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