
Privet Hedge Problems #791644

Asked May 19, 2022, 12:22 PM EDT

I have a privet hedge that is experiencing branch dieback; according to the literature the most likely causes seem to be wilt or honey fungus. Since there are no "black shoelace' streamers or mushrooms around the base of the plants I suspect that wilt is the more likely cause. I've attached several photos of branches exhibiting the problems. Can you kindly identify what my problem is and if there is a course of action I can take to combat this issue? Thanks in advance for your help!

New Castle County Delaware

Expert Response

Hi.  The second photo was very helpful.  It looks like you have Japanese Maple Scale.  This is actually an insect.  This scale insect actually kills the plant cells it is feeding on and it causes the dieback you are experiencing.    I would prune out the dead branches and dispose of them.   You can treat for the scale  ,
If you have any other questions, please let us know. 
Best regards,
An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 19, 2022, 1:41 PM EDT

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