
Trying to identify the damage to our Apricot tree. #791545

Asked May 18, 2022, 7:37 PM EDT

Our Apricot tree was damaged by the frost and /or it develop a disease that causes a brownish amber gum type weep. We did spray twice during the winter. This tree was our most productive last year and would love advice on how to treat the aliments.

Jackson County Oregon

Expert Response

I cannot see the gumminess on the tree in your pictures, but this website:  describes the disease Bacterial canker as causing cankers at the base of flowers and leaf buds and pruning wounds. The canker exudes an amber colored gum. Disease emergence favors high moisture and low temperatures in the spring, which describes this spring. Young trees are particularly susceptible, as are trees grown in soil that drains poorly. It suggests applying protective copper spray before flowering, and pruning trees in early summer to avoid bacteria entering pruning wounds during wet, cool springs.
If you have to replace the tree, look for one that is resistant to bacterial canker.
Thanks for using Ask an Expert.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 19, 2022, 5:07 PM EDT

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