My Plum tree is loosing leaves in May, Should I be worried? - Ask Extension
I purchased a home in North Portland in Fall 2021 and come into possession of a 50-60 year old plum tree. This tree had been left to its own devices f...
My Plum tree is loosing leaves in May, Should I be worried? #790635
Asked May 13, 2022, 2:03 PM EDT
I purchased a home in North Portland in Fall 2021 and come into possession of a 50-60 year old plum tree. This tree had been left to its own devices for at least a decade, and was fully wrapped up with a fig tree and some tree sized photinias. They even had a triple point where the branches from all three had grown into/through each other.
With no interest in figs, and having interest in sun for a garden, we hired an arborist to removed the fig(s) and the photinias, all of which were 20-30 ft tall. The Plum tree was also pruned during this event, in order to extricate it from the fig, as well as a light hair cut. That was Nov 2021. It now has sun on its trunk, which it hasn't had for many years.
Early this spring it had an OK amount of blossoms and new growth. All was well until the last ~2 weeks. We have now lost almost 100% of leaves on the lower half of the tree, and have recently found young fruit is falling as well. The leaves, both fallen and those remaining, appear droopy and have holes chewed in them, but we have not observed any visible pests.
We are very interested in having a healthy tree and harvest in the future, but don't have the know-how to diagnose this problem. Help!
P.S. We have many more photos, including both pre and post pruning, and can take/send more if desired.
Multnomah County Oregon
Expert Response
A 50 year old fruit tree is probably nearing the end of its useful life and to remove roots (unintentional as it was) when ridding its companion shrubs and trees may be too hard a blow for it to sustain. If you did not annually spray the tree, your problem may be brown rot, a stone fruit fungus that affeccts blossoms and buds. My advice is to take your
Hi there,
Thank you for your response. It looks like the end of your message was cut off. Did you mean to write anything after "My advice is to take your"...?
Thanks again.
.Yes, i did suggest that you take a branch or leaves to your local Extension office.Your photos should help them also to make a sound judgment. You might also note that another MG added a comment that the unseasonable cold weather in Portland may have some part in the failure of the tree to thrive. Sorry about the cut-off, we have had similar problems before with the system. It has something to do with correcting typos and saving them. Hope this gets to you in full!