
Apple tree with white powder on branches #787849

Asked April 24, 2022, 2:51 PM EDT

I have a multiple apple tree with a white preset like substantial e on the branches. I’d you wipe it ir comes of with a reddish coloring on your finger. See attached picture. Please let me know what this is and how it should handle it Thanks you.

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

Hi there. 

Great photos!  Thanks for submitting with your question.  It appears that you have an infestation of Wooly Apple Aphid.  Typically, we see these critters on trees that have bark wounds.  Can you see damage from where cicada's possibly laid their eggs last summer?   How is the overall health of the apple trees? 

For more information:

I would recommend trying to remove some of the adults with a hard spray of water.  This might help knock down some of the population.  Anyway that you can remove and smash them will help. (smashing, knocking them off with a broom, use an old towel to smash them)

Unfortunately, this pest is pretty hard to control without pesticides.  Remember that if you choose to use a pesticide, do not apply while the tree is in bloom and be sure to follow all label instructions.  Many of the broad spectrum insecticides will also kill the beneficial insects that can help control this pest.  Maybe try horticultural oil or insecticidal soap as the first line of control.

Good luck. 

Thank you.  Yes, the branches had damage from the cicadas last year.  This tree was health till now but is only a few years old.  This was it’s first year with blossoms.  I also some of the aphids on my older 15 year apple tree.  Would they also be expected in other fruit trees?  I have  peaches, figs,, Asian pear, plum and a cherry tree.  I will try cleaning and spraying with water first.  I’d like to avoid the insecticide so I can also try spray oil as a next attempt.  Let me know if you have any other advise. 


The Question Asker Replied April 25, 2022, 7:36 PM EDT
The aphids can overwinter on elm trees,  and other alternate hosts include hawthorn, mountain ash, and cotoneaster.   They can also infest the roots of the apple trees, which is very disheartening. 

Best of luck with control! - Ashley 

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