Japanese Maple Verticillium Wilt? - Ask Extension
Will pruning off the dead limbs of my Japanese Maple which appears to have Verticillium Wilt be helpful?
MG 2007
Japanese Maple Verticillium Wilt? #786282
Asked April 09, 2022, 12:45 PM EDT
Will pruning off the dead limbs of my Japanese Maple which appears to have Verticillium Wilt be helpful?
MG 2007
Jackson County Oregon
Expert Response
Here are some other recommendations:
Prune dead branches to discourage infection by other fungi. Disinfect tools between cuts in a 10 percent solution of household bleach.
Water generously, especially during dry periods.
Apply modest amounts of slow-release fertilizer, low in nitrogen and high in potassium.
Mulch to maintain soil moisture, keep soil temperatures moderate and minimize chances of root injuries.
Avoid gardening under a Japanese maple, as damage to the roots can be an entry point for Verticillium wilt.
Don’t use wood chips from infected trees.
Because the Verticillium fungus can survive in the soil for 10 years, do not move soil or debris from areas of known infection.
Fungicides are not effective for control, because tree roots inevitably grow beyond the treated area.
Here are some other recommendations:
Prune dead branches to discourage infection by other fungi. Disinfect tools between cuts in a 10 percent solution of household bleach.
Water generously, especially during dry periods.
Apply modest amounts of slow-release fertilizer, low in nitrogen and high in potassium.
Mulch to maintain soil moisture, keep soil temperatures moderate and minimize chances of root injuries.
Avoid gardening under a Japanese maple, as damage to the roots can be an entry point for Verticillium wilt.
Don’t use wood chips from infected trees.
Because the Verticillium fungus can survive in the soil for 10 years, do not move soil or debris from areas of known infection.
Fungicides are not effective for control, because tree roots inevitably grow beyond the treated area.