
Is this a termite? #785404

Asked March 28, 2022, 11:56 PM EDT

I found this bug on my wall. It looks similar to other pictures of termites I see online. This is the only one I have see

Lane County Oregon

Expert Response

Hi Nicholas,

You are in the clear. That is not a termite. It is a soldier beetle (Order: Coleoptera, Family: Cantharidae). The resolutions on the photos are a bit low to ID it for with certainty, but I thing it could be the species Podabrus pruinosus. Here is a link to a photo of one of those for comparison so you can see what you think.

Soldier beetles in the genus Podabrus feed mainly on soft-bodied insects like aphids, so they are nice to have around if you are growing garden plants. Some adults also feed on nectar or honeydew. They don't bite people or pets or damage things people generally care about.

Bill Gerth Replied March 29, 2022, 3:21 PM EDT

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