Black walnut ground cover - Ask Extension
What native plants and grasses would do well under a black walnut tree?
Black walnut ground cover #785375
Asked March 28, 2022, 6:25 PM EDT
What native plants and grasses would do well under a black walnut tree?
Hennepin County Minnesota
Expert Response
Thank you for writing.
This is a difficult problem because of the walnut (it would help to know which kind of walnut).
For ground covers, viola, squill, bluebells, sweet woodruff will all work and would well be mixed in with the grass for an attractive spring lawn.
Your best bet for grass would be fescues which can be obtained at most large garden stores. This is a robust lawn. Weed and rake well. Plant in spring or fall.,%20arboretum%20final-sam%20bauer.pdf
This is a difficult problem because of the walnut (it would help to know which kind of walnut).
For ground covers, viola, squill, bluebells, sweet woodruff will all work and would well be mixed in with the grass for an attractive spring lawn.
Your best bet for grass would be fescues which can be obtained at most large garden stores. This is a robust lawn. Weed and rake well. Plant in spring or fall.,%20arboretum%20final-sam%20bauer.pdf
Thank you for the very fast response. I don’t know what kind of black walnut it is, but you sent a huge amount of information that will be very helpful in planning my spring plantings. Thanks again!!
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On Mar 28, 2022, at 7:03 PM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote: