
American hollies yellow brown leaves #784009

Asked March 14, 2022, 7:14 PM EDT

These trees were planted back in November. I'm thinking it's because of so much water, they just now started turning brown and yellow. March 14

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response

American holly actually do well in moist spots so it's not likely related to water right now.
Hollies, like most broad-leaved evergreens can suffer some damage from drying winter winds, referred to as winterburn.
Given how new they are to your landscape though, it may just be part of the period of establishment. We would expect that as the weather warms, fresh new green leaves will sprout and fill in.
At that time it is also normal for some older leaves on these trees to naturally yellow and drop. As long as you see new ones coming along, they are o.k.

During the first 18-24 months of establishment, watering when needed is really important.
Here is our page on how to monitor your trees and know when and how to do that:

Thanks so much!!! 
The Question Asker Replied March 15, 2022, 1:23 PM EDT

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