
3 backyard plants I would like help identifying #781955

Asked February 15, 2022, 5:27 PM EST

Hi! First, thank you so much for the service you all provide. You have helped me virtually and at Farmer's Markets over the years and this program is a real gift. I'm including pictures of 3 different plants that are in my backyard. I have a pretty natural forest backyard with lots of native plants, but I do know some invasive species have been known to invade. I would love any IDs you can give and advice for what I should do next. Thank you in advance for any help! Allison

Multnomah County Oregon

Expert Response

The first photo is a hellebore, maybe Helleborus foetidus  Hellebores aren't generally considered invasive although they are not native.

The second photo may be cherry laurel, Prunus lauroceasus, It's always hard to id from just the leaves.  Cherry laurel does sometimes escape cultivation.

The third photo may be Chinese paper bush, Edgeworthia chrysantha.  The flowers are blurry in the photo so I can't quite make out the details, and often the shrubs flower before the leaves come out, but there aren't many shrubs with flowers like that. See if you think it matches up and if not, maybe you can send a clearer photo of the flowers.

And thanks so much for your appreciative words about the Ask Extension program! 
Sylvan Kaufman Replied February 16, 2022, 12:48 PM EST

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