
Brown Spots in my potatoes #781873

Asked February 14, 2022, 3:47 PM EST

I planted a variety of potatoes at our property on Fill Hill, outside of Carlton , Yamhill County. The soil is a reddish clay, on a south sloping property. What could be the cause? It has not been in all potatoes. Mostly German Butter Ball, Golden Yukan, no impact on any of the red varieties. The same potatoes that have the brown spots inside also have a rough outside skin and seem to be "tougher" inside, harder to cut. What is causing this?

Yamhill County Oregon

Expert Response

Did the potato foliage have any spots or problems?  Were the issues in the potatoes apparent at harvest?

There are multiple diseases which can cause spotting in the potato, it might be best if you can bring a sample to the Yamhill County extension office, or at least send a photo of the outside of the potato as well. A little extra information will help narrow down this issue.

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An Ask Extension Expert Replied February 16, 2022, 3:09 PM EST

The foliage of the potatoes did not have any problems, in fact very healthy. Yes the problem was apparent immediately after the harvest when I prepared them for a meal.

I don’t have any of the potatoes anymore, used them all up.

I call tell you the outside skin of the potatoes all had a rough skin – not nice and smooth as usual and the meat inside appeared to be tough.



From: askextension=<personal data hidden> <askextension=<personal data hidden>> On Behalf Of Ask Extension
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 12:10 PM
To: Gerhard Letzing <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Brown Spots in my potatoes (#0051804)


The Question Asker Replied February 16, 2022, 6:56 PM EST
I am sending you a publication which shows some potato issues, hopefully this will be helpful, and something will jump out when you see the photos of the outsides of the potatoes. Unfortunately, without being able to see the outside of the potato and get a sample this is really tough to diagnose.  There are multiple dozen different potato diseases in our region and I am having a hard time matching up what I am seeing in your photo and the description you gave me with a specific disease.  My first thought was that it was "early blight", however you should have also seen issues on the foliage.  "Corky ringspot" is a viral disease which doesn't normally affect foliage, however it can cause distorted potatoes which you didn't seem to have. There are also insects such as wireworm which can cause black spots inside, but you didn't have holes, correct? I am sorry I can't come up with a firm diagnosis on this one.  Hopefully this year you will have better luck.  I would recommend rotating your potatoes to a new location this time and make sure you use disease-free potatoes for planting.

Thank you for using Ask Extension!
An Ask Extension Expert Replied February 17, 2022, 1:15 PM EST

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