
What is growing on my Palm Tree? #781355

Asked February 06, 2022, 1:58 PM EST

This Palm tree is about 4 years old and these pictures show something unusual growing along with the normal stems. These stems don't have leaves on them. Instead they have small round objects that look like seeds which grow larger and then fall off the plant. I have submerged them in water and also in dirt but they did nothing. They just make a mess on the floor! Can you tell me what they are?

Carroll County Maryland

Expert Response

This appears to be a flower stalk that has not yet matured (to the point of opening blooms). Compared with most flowering tropical plants, palm flowers are not very showy, and if they appear there is no harm to the plant in removing them. (Even if you allow the blooms to mature, which there is similarly no harm in doing, the plant may not produce seed if it's not pollinated. At that point the inflorescence will simply wither away, dry, and will likely fall off on its own.)

Thank you so much!!!!

The Question Asker Replied February 07, 2022, 12:17 PM EST

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