
Cedar tree tip disease? #779977

Asked January 09, 2022, 2:02 PM EST

We recently moved into a new home and some of the cedar trees are showing an orangish brown tinge at the end of branches. The trees are fairly young and we’re planted about 5 years ago. We live at about 450’ above sea level at the entrance to the Columbia River Gorge. Is there anything I should be doing to help these trees or is this normal part of tree behavior?

Multnomah County Oregon

Expert Response

Hello, that is hard to diagnose with photos, but it looks like there may be some scorch from our late June heat wave, re: the yellow leaves, although there is a common foliage disease (cedar leaf blight) that can cause similar symptoms.  That should be something the tree outgrows, so a normal thing.  The foliage doesn't look too bad.

Relative to the dead twiglets.  That looks like something different.  I'm not sure what it is, but could be several things, including a more severe scorch effect (we've seem similar things in the coast range where cedar got hit hard) or perhaps a canker disease (which should not kill the tree), or even some animal or insect feeding on the bark?  Check at the base of the dead portion of twig for feeding activity.

But in general, cedar seems to do ok eventually and may lose twigs and foliage a bit as it grows.  So I would not worry too much.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied January 10, 2022, 5:41 PM EST

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