
Identify an Effective Deterrent for Preventing Rabbit Damage to Car Engines #778262

Asked November 23, 2021, 8:14 AM EST

What is the most effective deterrent for preventing Rabbit / Rodent damage to car engines for vehicles that are parked outdoors? Our senior housing complex has recently been experiencing a number of cars that have had their car engine wiring harnesses chewed on by rabbits causing damage at cost of about $2,200 per vehicle. There are various rabbit repellent sprays on the market but I am not sure of there effectiveness. There are some "authorities" that claim that peppermint oil is an effective deterrent while others claim that Irish Spring Soap Bars are effective as well. I am looking for an effective repellent at a reasonable cost without a significant effort in the application of this repellent. Thank you for any information you can provide!

Douglas County Colorado

Expert Response

The most effective method to protect the cars may be to remove the rabbits. You can contact the Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife for a relocation permit.
Most deterrents will have to be reapplied when they get wet or spend some time in the sun. I don't have information to verify that Peppermint and Irish Spring soap are effective deterrents. Products that have shown effectiveness as deterrents include Thiram or Capsaicin. Capsaicin is the hot ingredient in hot sauces. Thiram is an animal deterrent that lasts longer than others. (Control Rabbits)
Here is the URL to the Offices for the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Offices.
Good luck,
Marvin Reynolds Replied November 24, 2021, 7:48 PM EST

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