
OMG Am I having a Night of the Living Dead experience? Not pods but ???!! #777938

Asked November 16, 2021, 5:25 PM EST

Found these under the leafy dirt under an old wooden lounger... they look like turnips but aren't hard, they feel like a hard boiled egg when you squeeze them. They have a root at one end. I peeled the outer skin off and there was gelatinous stuff inside (see upper left of pic 3) and then I sliced one in half (pic 2) and then more slices, pic 3.... What could these be? Some sort of mushroom? Never seen anything like this in over thirty years here!! Any guesses/suggestions welcome!

Travis County Texas

Expert Response

Hi Vicky,

I'm sorry, I wasn't able to figure out what those are exactly. My best guess is they are bulbs that are rotting due to either a fungus or a bacteria, but I'm not sure which. Is there a foul odor?

We've shared the pictures out, so maybe someone will come back with an answer.


Travis County Master Gardeners Replied November 19, 2021, 9:25 AM EST
Update:  ENJOY!
from Wizzie's last reply:
That is so cool!  I learned my new thing for today.

From: <personal data hidden> <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2021 10:05 AM
To: Wizzie N. Brown <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: FW: Well, someone ID'd them!! re: What in the world ARE these???
re aka 'witches' egg' etc., see  Völva the Viking Witch or Seeress - Nordic Culture (   It's amazing how many twists/turns etc., you can follow when you google something. Searching re word origins I somehow wound up with this link, but it helped understand why the fungi 'eggs' are also called 'witch's eggs!'  Anyway, pass this on to anyone who might share my undisciplined curiosity!


From: <personal data hidden>
To: "<personal data hidden>"
Sent: Tuesday November 16 2021 8:47:26PM
Subject: FW: Well, someone ID'd them!! re: What in the world ARE these???

also see How To Get Rid Of Stinkhorns Forever | Garden Analyst  for reasons to keep them in your garden even though they may smell bad at times.....  


From: <personal data hidden>
To: "<personal data hidden>"
Sent: Tuesday November 16 2021 8:32:48PM
Subject: FW: Well, someone ID'd them!! re: What in the world ARE these???

Unbelievable that someone tracked it down..., but mine look just like the pics. I guess I ought to rebury them and watch them mature..  Or maybe Pattie would like to take them in for a class project?? However, lots of the terminology is a bit iffy for the younger folks... phallus, volva, see: Phallus hadriani: The Dune Stinkhorn Identification & Information (

OMG Am I having a Night of the Living Dead experience?
Not pods but ???!! Found these under the leafy dirt under an old wooden lounger... they look like turnips but aren't hard, they feel like a hard boiled egg when you squeeze them. They have a root at one end. I peeled the outer skin off and there was gelatinous stuff inside (see upper left of pic 3) and then I sliced one in half (pic 2) and then more slices, pic 3... What could these be? Some sort of mushroom? Never seen anything like this in over thirty years here!! Any guesses/suggestions welcome!


From: "Ask Extension"
To: "Vicky Spradling"
Sent: Friday November 19 2021 8:25:19AM
Subject: Re: OMG Am I having a Night of the Living Dead experience? Not pods but ???!! (#0047869)

The Question Asker Replied November 19, 2021, 11:29 AM EST

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