Biting bug #776066
Asked October 21, 2021, 4:09 PM EDT
Queen Anne's County Maryland
Expert Response
This is a beetle in the family called metallic wood-boring beetles, named for their appearance (commonly attractively shiny and/or bronzy) and behavior (larvae chew tunnels in wood). They are not always plant pests in terms of damage done, though we cannot positively identify this particular individual to species level since several species look nearly identical in shape and color. If you're curious, here is a listing of species in this family documented in Maryland, though not all have accompanying images yet:
They are not prone to biting people, but perhaps it was an exploratory nip by accident; they can chew into wood, so do have jaws capable of causing minor skin damage and discomfort in the process. Like most insects, they also have prominent "toe" claws in order to help them get a secure grip on the plants they use, so perhaps these also held onto the skin fairly tightly and could scratch when removed. Fortunately, damage from either jaws or claws is not known to be medically significant.