
Tiny Bugs Coming through window screens #775836

Asked October 19, 2021, 3:50 PM EDT

I have hundreds of flying bugs in my window screens. They’re so small that they can come through the screen itself. I’m vacuuming them constantly and they just keep reappearing. At this point, I just keep my windows closed.  Do you know what they are and how I can address them? 

Cook County Illinois

Expert Response

These look like they could be hackberry psyllids. They form galls on hackberry trees. Once fully developed, the adults will look to overwinter in protected locations (cracks, crevices, homes, etc.).

Keeping windows shut is the best option for keeping them out of homes. They are attracted to lights, so turning lights off at night or keeping blinds or curtains closed will help reduce the numbers coming to your house. If they are indoors, vacuuming is the best way to get rid of them. Once temperatures get cold this fall they will go away. 

An Ask Extension Expert Replied October 20, 2021, 9:33 AM EDT

Thank you!  That is definitely what I'm dealing with as I have plenty of hackberries near my property.  I have also see hackberry nipple galls, but never knew that they were created from hackberry psyllids.  

The Question Asker Replied October 20, 2021, 9:58 AM EDT

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